Sunday, October 14, 2012


Nu ska vi se om det funkar att blogga fran telefonen det vore ju smidigt!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Adventures of the Tiny Dala Horse in SoCal, July 7th….


Started out with a delicious Pastrami Sandwich at the new neighborhood restaurant........


did some shopping at Sam's Club.....


picked-up a movie on the way home from shopping......

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Glad Midsommar!!

Midsommar hemma i Djupeträsk nån gång på slutet av 60-talet!!! Många härliga minnen som dyker upp när jag tittar på kortet. En av tjejerna på kortet var faktiskt och hälsade på här i California för ett par år sedan, det är kul att vi fortfarande har kontakt efter alla desa år! Hoppas att ni har en God och Glad Midsommar!
♥♥♥ Helene

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Day Celebration......

Hope you all had a great National Day! How did you celebrate? We went to work as usual but we made some open-faced grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner to celebrate, can it get more Swedish than that can it?

We did not spare on the expenses and had some Swedish Vacuum Cleaner Cookies too, you can tell we went all the way, hahaha!!

Have a great day!!
oxoxo, Helene

Swedish National Day!!

Happy Swedish National Day!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Visit to the Lavender Farm

We were off last Monday as it was the Memorial Day Holiday, wish every weekend was a 3-day weekend!! Anyway, we decided to take a drive to a Lavender Farm that I found online, the drive there was on a very narrow and winding road but it was all worth it, the place was wonderful!! Have a great week!!
oxoxo, Helene

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day!!


Happy Mother’s Day to all Swedish Moms all over the world!! 

oxoxo, Helene

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot and Solar Eclipse…..



Hot, hot, hot and sunny here today, love how the sun filters through the leaves.........


Got a great view of the eclipse with the welding helmet on ;o) ........ the neighbors passing by probably thought we lost it, lol!!


My attempt to catch the solar eclipse, if you look close you can see it!!


can't see the eclipse here but still a pretty cool pic of the sun.....


One of kitties did not understand what the fuzz was all about......


please let me sleeeeep.....


finally things got back to normal!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the backyard………

The other day when we were barbequing Thomas found a few Black Widow Spiders in the backyard, not to happy about that but we do have them around and you just have to be careful! These particular two are now in spider heaven, may their souls rest in peace!


We also have these Lizards but they are harmless and more afraid of us then we of them ;o)

Have a great week and take good care of yourselves!!

oxoxo, Helene

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Summer is here!!

DSC07162Summer is here, last night it was +28*C at 9pm and at midnight was it still +18*C, can’t complain about that!!




We enjoyed the evening with some barbeque and a few cold ones on the patio




The finished result, yummy!!!

♥♥♥ Helene

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Talk of the Neighborhood…….


The neighbors two house up from us had this Horse Statue installed this weekend, it is beautiful but lets say it was the talk of the neighborhood this weekend, it is HUGE but heck if they like it that is the main thing!! 

DSC06794 We have quite a few of these Lizards in the backyard, they love to to sit on the concrete wall and soak up the sun, they are totally harmless but it took some time get used to them…….. Picked up some flowers and planted in the planter leading up to the front door, pulled up what we had before a while ago………it looks so pretty now, just hope the flowers will last for awhile!

pageDSC06787The furry babies could care less about the Garden Statue or new flowers, the did what the do best, relaxed!!!DSC06791

Have a great week!!

ooxoxoxo, Helene

Sunday, March 4, 2012

19 years and counting……


3 Mars hade vi bott här i California i 19 år, kan ni förstå ?!! Kan inte fatta vad tiden har tagit vägen, på ett sätt känns det som att det var igår vi flyttade hit och på ett sätt känns det som att vi alltid har bott här ;o) ………… Folk hemma i Sverige hade mycket åsikter när vi flyttade till US och undrade hur vi kunde flytta hit och lämna Sverige med alla sociala förmåner mm, nu när man läser/ser nyheter från SVerige blir man nästan mörkrädd….mycket har ändrat på sig sedan vi flyttade hit, det är säkert!!


March 3rd, had we lived here in California for 19 years, can you believe that?! Can not believe there the time has gone, in a way it feels like it was yesterday we moved here and in a way it feels like we have always lived here; o) ............ People in Sweden had a lot of opinions when we moved here and was wondering how we could move to US and leave Sweden with all social benefits, etc., now when you read / see news from Sweden you get afraid.... a lot has changed on since we moved here, that's for sure!

Have a great week!!!

oxoxoxo, Helene

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

♥ Wonderful Roses ♥


Got some wonderful roses and delicious chocolate from the dear husband for Valentine’s Day! What more can you ask for?!!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Beautiful Saturday in February!!


We can not complain about the weather this last weekend, it was beautiful as you can see!


Hubby took out the hot rod for a spin……


We cleaned out the garage some, boring work but nice when done! 


We also did some yard work, cut down some bushes that now looked more like trees than bushes ;o)



Found some strange insects in my flower urn, wonder what kind it is??


Enjoyed a real Swedish lunch, yum!!


The Kitties could care less about the weather as long as they get feed and they can do some napping they are perfectly happy no matter what!!

oxoxoxo Helene

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gevalia Kaffe

Hittade Gevalia i affären härom veckan, tyckte att det var kul och köpte en paket. Vi bestämde att vi skulle vänta till helgen så att vi verkligen kunde njuta i lugn och ro av en go kopp svenskt kaffe, trot om ni vill men det smakade inget vidare alls, kändes mäkta snopet! Våra smaklökar har nog ändrat sig med åren och så kan det kanske bero på att jag jobbar på ett micro kafferosteri, där vi rostar och koppar kaffe mer eller mindre varje dag ;o)


Ha en go och trevlig helg!! På lördag blir det car show och vi hoppas att det fina, varma vädret håller i sig som vi har haft dom sista dagarna!!

♥♥♥ Helene

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Still beautiful……


the flowers I got for my birthday from my husband are still beautiful, this is how they looked today a week ago and they are still blooming a week later now going in to week three!!!